The City of O’Fallon has implemented a Fat, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Management Program. FOG generated from restaurants and other commercial food service establishments (FSEs) are major contributors to wastewater collection system blockages that cause sanitary sewer overflows, which create public health concerns, water quality problems, and are costly to remedy. This program applies to Food Service Establishments (FSEs) that discharge wastewater into the City of O’Fallon’s wastewater collection system.

Sewer lateral illustration

FSEs include, but are not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, hotel kitchens, hospitals, nursing homes, school kitchens, bars, factory cafeterias, clubs, daycare centers, churches, and mobile food establishments (food trucks). Residential apartments, condominium complexes, and dormitories can also be major sources of FOG in wastewater.


The City of O’Fallon’s FOG Management Plan requires all new, renovated, remodeling, and existing FSEs having the potential to discharge FOG to the wastewater collection system to install an appropriately sized grease interceptor with a downstream sampling manhole. If a grease interceptor is not currently installed that meets the Program requirements, City staff will work with the FSE in the first year of the program to bring their facility into compliance.

Kitchen Best Management Practices (BMPs) are also a key component of the FOG Management Program. After ensuring grease interceptors are properly sized and installed, grease interceptor maintenance is extremely important. FSEs are required to have their grease interceptor pumped out every 90 days (or as needed) by a licensed Waste Hauling Company.

FOG Application

Food Service Establishment (FSE) Checklist

Compliance Tracking

To streamline reporting and compliance tracking, the City of O’Fallon is requiring FSEs and Waste Hauling Companies to maintain FOG BMP Software (FOG BMP - Municipal F.O.G. Program Management Software) profiles. FSEs must submit an initial application to start the onboarding process for FOG BMP.  

What if I don’t think my business should be required to meet FOG Management Program standards?

Contact the Customer Service Field Representative to schedule a site visit to determine FOG Management Program applicability for your business.

Not a commercial food service establishment? There are ways you can protect your plumbing and the City’s infrastructure from home!

  • DON’T pour fat, oil, or grease down drains or garbage disposals.
  • Place grease from cooking in a metal can. Allow the grease to cool in the can before throwing it into the trash.
  • Wipe your greasy pots and pans with a paper towel before washing dishes.
  • Remember: Toilets Are Not Trashcans.

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Contact Water and Sewer staff

Customer Service Field Representative 636-829-9463 or  636-379-7601 or